On February 2nd the Eagle Mountain City council unanimously approved the creation of a wildlife corridor overlay zone. The purpose of the zone is to create a continuous migration and habitat corridor through the city boundaries. The Cedar Valley serves as a major migration corridor for wildlife moving between the Oquirrhs and Lake Mountains.

Residents spoke in favor of the corridor during the council meeting. Afterwards supporter and Eagle Mountain resident Bettina Cameron celebrated the action on Facebook, “It couldn’t have been possible without the rest of the (Eagle Mountain Nature and Wildlife) Alliance, DWR, City Staff, Planning Commission and City Council. There have been so many people supporting this and helping to make this possible— especially the residents who care so much about our open spaces and Wildlife! Thank you everyone who made a public comment!”
Much of the land included in the corridor is private property or owned by the BLM. The City and volunteers will work to raise funds for conservation easements that will protect the corridor permanently. The Oquirrh Foundation supports these efforts to preserve vital open space connecting the Oquirrhs to the surrounding areas and the people and wildlife that visit.

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