The Oquirrh Foundation is hosting a community cleanup of Butterfield Canyon on Saturday May 15th. Starting at 9 am groups will be heading up the canyon to remove garbage and cover graffiti. Team up with friends and family or come on your own to clean a quarter mile section of the canyon. Gloves, supplies and a to go breakfast will be provided. Meet at the Butterfield Canyon gate to check in and receive your supplies. Volunteers will then be able to drive to their assigned section to park and begin their cleanup. The cleanup is expected to take one to two hours, no bathrooms are available in the canyon so plan accordingly.

Please sign up below to help us plan on how many groups to expect:

If you can’t make it or want to help support this event and the other programs of The Oquirrh Foundation by making a contribution click the donate button below.

Thank you to Cyprus Credit Union for their financial support of this event.

Butterfield Canyon



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