The Oquirrh Mountains offer some amazing contrasts, from destruction on a scale visible from space to pristine wilderness kept free from human interaction for decades. It is those contrasts that highlight an opportunity to save what is special about the Oquirrhs.
Today is the start of a movement to protect and preserve the canyons, peaks, and streams that make up these mountains. Now is the time to work together and plan for a future that allows future generations the opportunity to enjoy the beauty the mountains have to offer.
The Oquirrh Foundation was founded in response to the rapid growth of the communities that surround the mountains and the lack of any plan to preserve some open space there. Our vision is to see areas currently untouched by development preserved in their natural state along with green corridors in the valleys surrounding the Oquirrhs to provide animals and humans access and safe active travel options.
Thank you for your interest in our mission. We encourage you to become a member today or make a contribution to support these efforts.
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